Superwell is an international collective and directory of independent wellness providers who focus in creativity, giftedness/neurocomplexity and/or neurodivergence.
Scroll to explore providers from all areas of the globe as many of our professionals, unless otherwise indicated, offer virtual services worldwide
Creative! Neurocomplex! Gifted! Neurodivergent!
Creative! Neurocomplex! Gifted! Neurodivergent!
John Syc, LCSW, MaIOP
Psychotherapist (Connecticut)
Coach for Gifted, Neurodivergent & Highly Sensitive Adults (Worldwide)
Julie Robertson, MSW, RSW, CCLS
(Therapy: Ontario, CA + Worldwide, As Allowed)
Lindsey Mackereth, MA, LPCC, LADC ✷
Founder of Superwell • Life Architecture Program
Eric Windhorst, PhD, RP ✷
Therapist • Counsellor • Coach • Mentor
(Therapy/Counselling-Canada ONLY; Coaching/Mentoring-Worldwide)
Renee Fleming, LCSW ✷
Therapist • Coach • Guide
(Therapy-AR + MO ONLY, Coaching/Guidance-Worldwide)