Rachel Fell ✷
Existential + Gifted/Exceptional Coach & Mentor
About Rachel.
HQ: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Client Range: Worldwide
Client Age: Adults (18+)
Accepting New Clients? Yes
Sessions Offered: Virtually
Hi! I'm Rachel. It’s nice to (internet) meet you. 👋🏽
I'm a neurodivergent (high+ gifted/neurocomplex) human working with other vast, deep, and flexible thinkers, creatives, and humans.
Together, my clients and I create expanded frames for understanding (and action!) through the use of existential and meta exploration.
My best-fit clients are the ones looking to create new perspectives (and more space) so they can inhabit their full, authentic selves. My work, at its core, is about learning to see the self and live “inside, out” – balancing and tending to our inner and outer worlds in reciprocal ways.
I'm a great match for clients who are standing at the edge(s) of their current understanding of self, others, and the world at large; folks who are keen to explore the nature of things with another person who "gets it” and can track their connections where others can’t.
Moving with my clients through the complexity, abstraction, and dimensional with ease, I’m notorious (in a good way!) for being able to see in the dark.
My sweet spot? Where unlearning, new ways of exploring, meaning-making, and integration meet.
Working with me feels like exploring, playing, and co-creating a-ha moments over coffee with one of the deepest folks you know – the “work” is conversational and fun… even the challenging bits! (I often call client meetings jam sessions. 🎶)
I believe expansion and growth happens through creative exploration, real relationality, and collaborative inquiry. My approach is rooted in holistic inclusion, kindness, inner authority, radical x compassionate honesty, and co-creation.
A bit about me:
I (re)discovered my own neurodivergence during an intense episode of positive disintegration that began in 2016 (I tried to ignore it but in 2018 it MADE itself known to me through physical symptoms I couldn’t ignore).
During that process, I began working with gifted/neurodivergent-specific therapists, coaches, and mentors. Those connections, coupled with an exploration of my unseen processing differences, were truly the missing links I needed to dive deep into a course of supported self-inquiry and autopsychotherapy that led me to living “inside, out.”
My lived experiences of trauma integration and identity reformation as a multi-exceptional person (coupled with my training and thousands of hours in coaching practice) make me a unique fit for other high+ gifted and neurocomplex folks.
I'm so grateful for the many thousands of hours of coaching support I've been able to provide clients across the globe in the last few years–such a gift to be able to walk with others in their journeys! As an ardent believer in "walking the walk," I share my gratitude to those mentors, teachers, and coaches who've helped and taught me along the way, as well.
If you're finding some resonance here, please reach out! I'd love to connect to see if we’re a match, and to learn more about you and your story.
Rachel Fell is a coach/guide, consultant, and educator based in the Midwest US. In addition to working with gifted and neurocomplex adults on self-leadership and holistic identity integration, she also works with businesses, teams, and independent entrepreneurs on brand, communications, cultural, leadership, and organizational development initatives.
Superwell Specialties.
Gifted-Specific Support
Gifted/Exceptional Identity Integration
Positive Disintegration Coaching
Existential Coaching & Mentorship
Specific Areas of Interest:
High+ Gifted Adults
Intellectual x Existential OEs/Intelligence
Working with Gifted/Neurodivergence-focused Therapists and Coaches
Gifted Psychology for Therapists/Coaches, InterGifted
Giftedness Assessment Training, InterGifted
SoulSpark Learning Empowerment Summit Series
Creative-Specific Support
In my previous life, I was a brand, marketing, and strategy director. Given that experience and unique skillsets, I'm well-equipped to support creative entrepreneurs and business owners in holistic business and brand development.
Neurodivergent-Specific Support (other than giftedness)
In my view, giftedness is a form of neurodivergence, part of an emerging taxonomy and understanding in-progress. I work with twice and multi-exceptional folks (folks who identify as or have been assessed as being twice or multi-exceptional, meaning gifted x another form/forms of neurodivergence).
Other Areas of Specialization:
Existential physiology and whole health education
Inner authority: reclamation/contextualization
Leadership development
Business and Brand Coaching/Consulting
Fun Stuff.
How do your clients describe you?
Insightful, incisive, honest, kind, funny, and "Real with a Capital R"
What are your favorite books?
The Universal One - Walter Russell
Why Fish Don't Exist - Lulu Miller
Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home - Toko'pa Turner
The Will to Meaning - Viktor Frankl
What are your creative outlets?
Current: curriculum development, philosophy, music, movement, cooking
What is one of your quirks/special talents?
I'm a classically trained violinist, and I can hold a handstand for a pretty long time.
What would you do with $10M USD?
Start an existential (un)learning collective (for people and professionals, online) with physical locations in Alaska and Costa Rica for in-person retreats and gatherings; the locations would serve as local community learning and development centers as well.
Professional Stuff.
Education and/or Training institute
Institute of Coaching - McLean, Harvard Medical School Affiliate
Professional Licenses and/or Certifications:
NAGC & WATG Presenter
Published Co-Author: Trauma-Induced Twice-Exceptionality ("Critical Issues in Servicing Twice-Exceptional Students" with Dr. Kate Bachtel)
Board of Directors - SoulSpark Learning
Coaching + Mentoring Modalities: